Thursday, July 26, 2012

Here Ego Again!

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I used to want to be a rapper. I'm talking, like, a RAPPER, with diamonds and gold chains and rims and women and drugs and duffel bags full of money. You know, a rapper. My life's goal was to smoke weed every day, hire a team of scientists to pretest groupies for STD's, and purchase a grill in my mouth containing miniature TV's so you could watch music videos of me when I smiled. 

Seriously. That sentence wasn't written for comedic value. That was a real-life, premeditated plan. The best I can do with the power of my will, is strive to gain enough money to put TV's in my mouth. Right now, some rapper has read this post and is on the phone with Sony to see if the invention is possible. Well, I suppose if I've helped one person with this blog, my job is finished.

What in the world possessed me to desire televisions in my teeth, you might ask? My ego. When I Edge God Out (ego) and seek the things of the world in order to please others, I grow leaves and the ego is thrilled (see The God-Shaped Hole). Then, Jesus comes by, famished, and uproots my tree because all the rims and gold chains in the world don't amount to jack squat in the Kingdom of Heaven. We make living wills because we're well-aware that the Benz isn't coming with us when we kick the bucket.

Why do we think "things" will make us happy? The praises of men and the feeling of coolness derived from living outside our means are temporary rewards. When I stand before God and He asks why I should be allowed into Heaven and I say, "Because I had TV's in my teeth," I don't anticipate a warm welcome. The outward appearance of wealth and success by the world's standards will not get me into Heaven. The idols of Crapitalism are false gods and offer nothing to the Lord when He comes to me looking for a bite to eat. Jesus wants fruit! He wants to be obeyed. He wants me to write when He says, "Write!" (see Mustard on the Hotdog).

He wants me to trust Him to provide for my needs instead of bowing down to the gods of Visa and Mastercard to provide my wants. God wants me to spend time with Him; reading His word and doing the work He's given me. And the funny thing is, His yoke is easy and His burden is light (see Mustard on the Hotdog). The Lord gives me tasks that I'm already equipped to excel at. When I chase my will, I'm away from the things that truly fulfill me and am left feeling emptier than before. 

When I trust the things of the world to fill the void inside of me (see The God-Shaped Hole), I'm a dizzy dog spinning after my own tail. There's never enough drugs, sex, or recognition and I'm left needing more. More money, more clothes, more vacations. Faster cars, bigger houses, shinier jewelery. God's will for my life satisfies the yearning in the depths of my soul because the hole I'm trying to fill is a God-shaped one. God, and only God is enough.

Check out some other popular Bent Straight posts by Brandon Stephens and be sure to subscribe!

Everyone Has One and They All Stink

School Shootings and Santa Claus: Ho, Ho, Holy Crap!
I.P. Freely: Live from the Pity Pot 

Enjoy poetry? Check out these popular Bent Straight poems by Brandon Stephens:

The Treadmill Continues

Self-Created Prison


  1. Replies
    1. I know that's right! What's the point in gaining the whole world and losing our souls in the process? :-)

  2. Amen to that! I was rescued from a life of drugs many years ago when I called out to Jesus to help me. Everything I need is found in Him. "Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3)."

    1. Nice! God is so good! I truly believe Jesus died the death I should've died during active addiction. The situations I put myself in to get high/drunk should've killed me (or someone else) or at least landed me a bid in jail. His grace and mercy are indescribable!

  3. God is enough, born again christianity works, you accept jesus as lord and personal savior, and the energy and consciousness of Jesus that is Divine, literally enters your heart "The kingdom of God is within" Luke 17:21, then "When thine eye is single, the whole body will be filled with light" when you are filled with the light of christ in your heart, christ reveals the mystic secret that God is everything, God is also beyond, it is all one being... and thus you shed the religion, the belief of eternal hell, the beliefs Jesus is the only way... and so on... the dogma fades away, you stop edging god out... and walk in christ, and live christ, and be one with christ and it all... and WOW, all the religions are one, science has discovered the one through quantum physics, everything has meaning and makes sense, and YOU ARE SAVED!

  4. The world is yours chico
